Friday, May 18, 2012

[updroid] Super-fast camera!

And here's my first updroid post!

Actually, this is very HTC One S specific: the camera of this smartphone is lightning fast! It takes less than a second (it's marketed as less than half a second!) to turn on and be ready to shoot!
And once you shoot a photo there's no closing shutter animation that steals your precious time blocking you from shooting again.
Furthermore, you have both buttons to take a photo AND to start recording a movie in the same screen. You can start recording, stop, take some pictures, start recording again, all without the tedious closing shutter animation that annoys you on the iPhone!
But that's not all! You can even take pictures (full-sized pictures) WHILE recording!

Believe me. I'm a great iPhone fan, but these features are incredibly enjoyable and I really miss them on my iPhone...

This is something that's hardware related too, but mainly it's android's openness that allows phone producers to create such personalized user experience. So hail to android this time!

You can find all the details about the HTC One S here.

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